HTC is releasing a red U11 in the US

Interested in picking up HTC’s latest premium smartphone, the squeezable U11,
but don’t like the current US color choices of blue, silver, or black?
Then I’ve got some good news on that front: HTC is releasing the
incredibly nice looking “Solar Red” version of the U11 in the United
States, with pre-orders set to start through HTC’s website at 12:01am
EST tonight.
HTC has spent the last few days counting down on Twitter
toward a release of the internationally offered red-colored version of
its newest smartphone here in the States, originally spotted by SlashGear. The countdown started on June 16th
with a picture of the ruby-colored U11 next to a large number “4.” And
by careful analysis of subsequent posts — further photographs of the red
U11 next to sequentially smaller “3” and “2” numerals — made it possible to determine that the company was teasing an announcement regard the red phone for the 20th.
Despite the oddly dragged-out announcement for a new
color of a smartphone, the teasers do show off one thing: HTC’s
iridescent, curved glass-and-metal design looks excellent in red.
The article was published on : theverge
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