
Amazon Video can now stream in 4K on Xbox One S

The latest update for the Amazon Video app on Xbox One S enables 4K playback, giving Microsoft’s console another source of UHD content. Many of Amazon’s original shows — Sneaky Pete, Bosch, and The Grand Tour among them — are available to stream in 4K. Netflix, Vudu, and Hulu also offer at least some 4K programming on Xbox One S. 

Oddly, Sony’s PlayStation 4 Pro console doesn’t yet support Amazon Video in 4K; we’ve reached out to Amazon for details on when it might receive the same functionality. There are other ways of viewing Amazon’s 4K content, including apps for Roku, Nvidia’s Shield, and some smart TVs. But Microsoft touts Xbox One S as “the only console that lets you stream 4K video content and watch Ultra HD Blu-ray movies with HDR.”

If only Sony had built a 4K Blu-ray drive into the PS4 Pro, there’d be fewer opportunities for Microsoft to throw out those burns. 

To update to the 4K-enabled version of Amazon Video on your Xbox One S, just open the app and you should be prompted to update — if it hasn’t already installed automatically. 

The article was published on : theverge

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