Why are so many toys vulnerable to hacking?

I keep hoping we’ve reached peak vulnerable gadgets,
only to hear about another unsecured device. Toys in particular continue
being exposed as privacy and security nightmares that anyone with a
slight desire to investigate can uncover. This week in toy privacy
nightmares, a company called Spiral Toys was found to have exposed
800,000 user account credentials online, as well as 2 million voice
message recordings.
The company’s CloudPets
line, which includes internet-connected teddy bears, stored user
credentials in a database that wasn’t secured by a password or behind a
firewall. Security researchers discovered the MongoDB through Shodan, a search engine for finding vulnerable websites and servers. Their work was independently verified by Motherboard. Of course, if security researchers found that database, it’s entirely possible — and likely — malicious actors did as well.
CloudPets is only another name in a long line of vulnerable connected toys, including the Cayla doll, Hello Barbie, and toys from VTech.
At this point, unsecured gadgets and toys are routine, which might have
you asking why it’s so difficult to build a secure, connected device.
The reasons vary, but for the most part, it has to do with money and
hurried approaches to security.
As I’ve written before
about connected gadgets, building something secure isn’t easy. It
requires a dedicated team who knows what they’re doing, money to pay
those people, and thoughtful consideration. In CloudPets’ case, its
parent company is floundering financially. Security researcher Troy
Hunt, who exposed the database, notes that it’s worth less than half a
cent per share. This also might explain why the company didn’t respond
to repeated requests for comment from both Hunt and Motherboard.
In other cases, like Hello Barbie, it isn’t so much that
the doll wasn’t secure but that a toy company (Mattel) collected massive
amounts of data on kids. That might be fiscally advantageous, but it
certainly isn’t reassuring for parents. As Hunt writes in his blog post:
“It only takes one little mistake on behalf of the data custodian –
such as misconfiguring the database security – and every single piece of
data they hold on you and your family can be in the public domain in
mere minutes.”
The good news is that these toys do require parental
permission to start collecting data. Typically that’s provided through a
companion smartphone app. When buying a toy, parents should read
privacy policies carefully and figure out what data the company retains.
Do they sell it to third parties? Does it stay local on the device?
Connected toys carry appeal: they can interact with your
kid, provide information, and generally sound like cool ideas. But they
introduce a range of risks compared to regular toys. Is a talking Barbie
or interactive teddy bear really worth it?
The article was published on : theverge
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