You should install a light at your desk that’ll tell your coworkers to leave you alone
The 21st century workplace is a marvel to behold. We’ve
got snacks, bike rooms, recycling, Slack channels, shared Google Docs,
unflattering overhead lights, and Wi-Fi. Technology makes it easy to
collaborate with coworkers without having to actually speak to them, so
imagine my shock when I head about the Luxafor,
a light that’s designed to plug into your PC, or connect over
Bluetooth, and then stick up from your desk to communicate to your
colleagues whether you’re available to be bothered. The company
attempted a Kickstarter last year, too, but failed to raise enough
funds. Luxafor imagines a situations where you’re deep into an Excel
spreadsheet and your coworker decides she wants to come chat about her
weekend. She walks over to your desk only to see your Luxafor status
light set to the “leave me alone” setting and sulks away without saying
anything. Maybe she’ll send you a message.
In a world where Slack refuses to give us status
indicators of worth, maybe a physical light could work. But seriously,
who still talks to their coworkers? I love my Verge peeps, but
most of the day we’re writing or doing interviews. We stay in touch
digitally, though. I assumed that's how most modern offices operated, or
at least offices that would be willing to back a Kickstarter project.
Now, Luxafor primarily markets itself as a physical
status light, but it can also let you know when you have a digital
notification, like an upcoming calendar event. It’ll eventually work
with IFTTT, too, so you can set the Luxafor to blink when you receive an
email with certain words or when the office door opens. Luxfor can
blink in a bunch of different colors, can also work as a timer, and
comes in three different sizes. They start at $17. I wonder how many
coworkers I can deter from ever speaking to me.
The article was published on : theverge
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